Day Hiker Pathway

Monthly donations for this pathway are appreciated.

On this journey, we provide all the equipment and supplies you will need to engage in the Day Hiker Pathway.  This trek is designed to take between 4 and 6 months (self paced).  Once you have completed the pathway, we strongly encourage you to continue using these resources to continue growing as a disciple and sharing Jesus naturally.




Suggested price: $15.00

Due every month with a 15-day free trial



Mark 16:15 Then he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation”.

With this membership, you will have access to all of the Day Hiker Pathway resources and more.

You will be able to establish up to 10 subaccounts to give access to family, Bible Study or Small Group members.

The Day Hiker Pathway will take you on a journey through Scripture, videos, and a variety of tools helping you to move intentionally toward a life of naturally sharing Jesus with others in the normal course of every day.