5 Reasons I Can’t Share My Faith

Kevin Harney
As a kid growing up, I was a master of excuses. When I forgot to do my school work, lost another jacket because I left it at the park, or got in a fight, I had my reasons and rationalizations. I was creative and passionate as I explained to my dad and mom why things turned out as they did. But my parents were very smart. They did not buy my excuses. They did not let me get away with childlike rationalizations. Instead, they lovingly corrected me and consistently disciplined me.
As I look back, I am deeply grateful for their firm rejection of my lame excuses! I thank God that my parents did not look the other way but spoke the truth to me. Their persistent correction and patient graciousness helped make me the man and pastor I am today.
I believe our loving Father does the same thing. He does not buy our excuses or justifications. God lovingly disciplines. He consistently teaches. He corrects our erroneous understanding and rejects our childish rationalizations.
When it comes to every Christian sharing their faith in organic ways, God is unyielding in his call. Not every believer has the gift or call of an evangelist, but we are all expected to be able to articulate what we believe, who Jesus is, and how others can come to know his amazing grace and endless love. We all have the good news of Jesus in our hearts and minds but we often give excuses for why we can’t share it with others.
In this brief article, I invite you to do three things:
- Read about five of the most common excuses Christians try to use.
- Ask God to convince you that they are not legitimate.
- Commit yourself to throw away your excuses and step boldly into organic outreach.
My Personality (The excuse of wiring) – “I am shy and don’t really like talking to people I don’t know”. “I feel uncomfortable and awkward when I talk about my faith. I actually get nervous when I think about it. I don’t even know why I’m reading this article right now”. God does not buy it! He made each of us and our Creator will lead you to people who need someone exactly like you to share the good news of Jesus with them in ways that are natural for you and them. Never let your personality get in the way of God’s call for you to shine the light of Jesus into the lives of the people around you each day.
My Schedule (The excuse of time and busyness) – “I would do it if I could fit it into my schedule”. “I believe in evangelism but I just don’t have time to spend with my friends and family members who are far from God”. If this is the case in your life, slow down and rethink how you do life. If you have friends, neighbors, family members, and people at school or work who are still wandering far from Jesus like a sheep without a shepherd, they need you. God has put you in their life. Open your schedule and plan time with people who need to hear your stories of God’s goodness, provision, grace, and salvation.

"But my parents were very smart. They did not buy my excuses. They did not let me get away with childlike rationalizations. Instead, they lovingly corrected me and consistently disciplined me."
My knowledge (The excuse of preparedness) – “I just don’t know the Bible well enough”. “I would not know what to say if someone asked a hard question”. “I’m too young in my faith”. The list goes on and on. The truth is, most things in life are learned best in the doing of them. Join a class on sharing your faith. Read your Bible daily. Read a book on personal evangelism (I would suggest you begin with, Organic Outreach for Ordinary People, Sharing Good News Naturally). But don’t wait to share your faith until you do these things, start now. You have a story to tell and God is alive and at work in your life. It is time to start talking about it. If someone asks a hard question and you don’t have an answer, just say, “That’s a great question, let me do a little study and reflection and I’ll get back to you”. Then, be sure to get back to them soon.
My Past (The excuse of personal history) – “If you knew what I was like before I came to Jesus, you would understand why I can’t tell people about him”. “All the people who know me remember what I was like before so I can’t tell them about Jesus”. If you feel this way, remember the apostle Paul. He persecuted the church and had Christians killed before he came to faith in Jesus. David, who was called a man after God’s heart, had lied, committed adultery, and had a man murdered yet God used him as a leader of his people. God’s grace is big enough to wash away our sins and this is part of our story. Don’t let excuses about your past keep you from honoring God in the present and future.
My Connections (The excuse of location and relationships) – “I don’t know many non-believers”. “I just don’t spend time around non-Christians!”. I have heard lots of pastors use this excuse because they have let their church ministry dominate all of their time. To these rationalizations, we need to follow the example of Jesus and make some new friends. If we are not around spiritually lost people, it is time to pick up a new hobby, join a club, meet some neighbors, and expand our world so we are regularly with people who are still far from God.
The bottom line is clear. Our loving Heavenly Father does not buy our excuses. He made us. He knows us. He called us to shine his light. His story has changed our lives and he calls us to share it with others. God will place you around someone this week who needs to hear about God’s work in your life. They would love to know there is a God who loves them. This person would be blessed if you offered to pray for them. They might be open to embracing Jesus as the leader of their life and forgiving their sins if they are willing to tell your story and God’s story.
Keep your eyes and heart open. No excuses. Get ready. And when the moment comes, open your mouth and share God’s amazing goodness!