The most comprehensive outreach support for your church growth.

Unlock The Culture That Unleashes Your Outreach Momentum.

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Stagnated in Your Outreach Efforts?

Here are some factors that contribute to the ineffectiveness of outreach efforts in your church:

Ignite The Transformation of Culture.

A strong discipleship culture promises church leaders these remarkable results:

Renew Passion

for Jesus and His
Great Commission.

Awaken desire

to outreach and invite
for church initiatives


focused activities

All are called.
Few answer.

While 3-4% of believers have the gift of evangelism, every believer is called to outreach.

Not part of that percentage? No worries!
Organic Outreach International is your support, offering tools, training, and confidence to help you share the Gospel naturally. Subscribe today for seamless and natural evangelism.

Ready. Set.
Outreach WITH

Don’t wait for the perfect moment or person to embrace evangelism. Souls can’t wait. Even if you don’t feel fully prepared for outreach, Organic Outreach offers a solution. We seamlessly infuse outreach into all aspects of your church every 30 days. Begin nurturing an outreach culture. Subscribe today!

What You Can Find Inside

Our Support Package

If you're committed to the Great Commission, you deserve top-tier support.

Video On Demand

Easy to access
Bible-based outreach training

influence tools

Meeting agendas, ministry action plan templates, outreach infusion guides

Discipleship Media Resources

Assortment of videos to infuse your culture with discipleship

Live Webinar

Periodic live Q&A
webinars with outreach
and evangelism experts

Personalized Consulting Calls

Tailored coaching and consulting calls to create a contextualized strategy

Outreach Package

An immediate kickstart to an outreach culture shift in
your congregation

Proven Results

The Starter Pack You
Can Get Today


In this video, Dr. Kevin Harney explains this simple, yet profound tool in developing a heart for people who don’t yet know Jesus. Natural evangelism happens when you curate a life that is focused on God and His creation.


At Organic Outreach International®, we’re dedicated to empowering every Christian to fulfill the Great Commission. Our podcast helps you naturally share your faith and make a positive impact on the world. Join us on this journey of growth and influence.

Organic Disciples Devotions

With just a few clicks, you will receive eight free weekly devotionals designed to develop you as a Christ-follower in the areas that Jesus Himself modeled. We will help you connect the dots between growing in faith and sharing your faith.

Ready To Experience lasting cultural change?

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How's Your Spiritual
Growth Journey?

When it comes to determining spiritual maturity we look at indicators in terms of growth, not of achievement. This self-assessment will give you a snapshot of where you are with regard to seven key markers that are important to our spiritual growth.